

New Report - AI essential to curb the changing climate

The People, Planet, AI initiative has contributed significantly to a new report funded by The Innovation Agency of Sweden Vinnova and jointly produced by Stockholm Resilience Centre, RISE and AI Sweden.

The report will serve as a catalyst for authorities, companies and other stakeholders who are interested in further developing the potential of AI technologies to address the climate challenge. The report introduces a number of AI solutions ranging from climate research and monitoring, to initiatives for emission reductions, climate adaptation, and innovation and transformation. Moreover, Sweden could take the lead internationally. 

A main focal point of the SRC contribution to the report was focused on ensuring that there was a focus beyond the climate system, on the entire earth system and that the Biosphere is present in discussions around how AI might be part of a solution in addressing climate change. Addressing climate change alone is insufficient to tackle the scale and interwoven nature of the global social-ecological challenge.

As a first step, and a follow-up to one of the conclusions in the report, where it is stated that Sweden needs to clearly commit to a venture that builds on existing investments and expertise, and supports collaboration and innovation among specialists in AI, climate and sustainability. AI Sweden, together with RISE and SRC are now investigating how such an arena can be initiated. The end-goal of such an arena would be to accelerate new Swedish climate challenge innovations leveraging AI, and essentially enable our country to reach climate neutrality much quicker than by 2050.

Learn more here

Andrew Merrie